The 28-Day Burpee And Kettlebell Swing Challenge

This is The 28-Day Burpee And Kettlebell Swing Challenge by Cavemantraining—OUTTRAIN OUTLIVE. Each kettlebell challenge from this website is unique and runs online with members from across the world entering and competing at their own level. The categories are designed so that everyone can have a fair go at it.

Kettlebell Challenge Details

Duration: 28 consecutive days
Entries allowed: 3 per day 
Submission: Consecutive days for duration
Video submission:
Anonymous submission: Allowed
Cost in Tokens: 1
Certificate: Yes
Participation Certificate: Yes
Benefit(s): Aerobic Fitness, Fat Loss, Flexibility, Grip Strength, Mental Toughness, Muscular Endurance, Strength
More details

Buy Token(s)

You don’t have any Token(s) available to enter this challenge. You need 1 Token(s) to enter this challenge.

$1.95Add to cart

Challenge Date(s)

  1. Open for all
    Registration opens April 6 and closes May 3
    Event starts June 1 and ends June 28

Entry is $1.95 per token but with a simple comment on social media, we will send you a voucher code so that you can enter for free, check the details here. Cavemantraining members get to enter for free. Scoring is submitted by the participants and based on an honesty system. The top percentage of entries will be verified manually and receive an official verified tick next to their submission.

As a user of this website, you will be able to keep track of and see your progress with the challenges in regard to:

  • Body weight
  • Kettlebell weight
  • Reps, duration, or other aspects of the challenge that show your progress
  • Feeling or other improvements in your life as a result of the challenge

It’s important to note that participants can also enter and remain completely anonymous. Their submission will be posted in the anonymous category with only their nickname (display name) displayed.


An insane kettlebell challenge, but anyone can do it and the results will be amazing! Your cardiovascular endurance will shoot through the roof and you’ll also increase muscular endurance, grip strength, fat loss, strength, flexibility, mental toughness, and so much more…

Do you want to get super fit? Do you want some structure and routine for 28 days? All you need is one kettlebell.

I’ve been participating in the burpee/swing challenge. I started with 20 burpees and a 25lb kettlebell because I hadn’t worked out in a few months and wasn’t sure how out of shape I was. This past Thursday and Friday I successfully completed 50 unbroken burpees and 50 single arm kettlebell swings on each arm. The swings are still with a 25lb bell. You can tell the difference in my energy levels between those two days but I got them done.

The Challenge

  • Decide what number of reps you will complete every day of the challenge
    • 20; or
    • 30; or
    • 40; or
    • 50
  • Decide how you break that number up, sets of 5, 10, etc.
  • Each day requires less than 10 minutes of your time

The exercises are:

  1. CrossFit Burpee
  2. Single-Arm Kettlebell Swing


On the last day of the challenge, you should be able to complete all reps unbroken, meaning, you move from performing all your burpees straight into kettlebell swings on one arm into the other arm. That means, if you pick 50 as your reps, then you want to aim to do 50 unbroken burpees and 50 unbroken swings on each arm. In other words, 150 reps were completed unbroken. It can be done and it has been done.

Anyone can join for free, that is option 0. Option 1 is where you really commit to this because after all, saying “you’re in” is easy but committing is another thing.


  • Option 0 is FREE and the information for the challenge is presented above
  • Option 1 is $9.95 to COMMIT and for that you get:
    • One handy PDF with all info on the challenge and exercises
    • Challenge results tracker
    • Strategy information
    • Information on efficiency
    • To stay on the mailing list for:
      • Motivation
      • Reminders
      • More…
  • Option 2 is $14.95 and gives you everything from option 1 plus:
    • Information on exercise techniques to stay safe and avoid:
      • Ripped hands
      • Lower back pain
      • Knee pain
      • Tendon problems (around the elbow)
    • Alternatives and progressions
    • No-Excuses Flexibility
      • 40-minute video on flexibility for office and home workers
      • Ebook
  • Option 3 is $29.95 and gives you everything from option 2 plus:

Make no mistake, option 3 is a one-time super offer and only for participants of the challenge. The total value is over $150. The No-Excuses Flexibility is our latest product and will be super beneficial when combined with this challenge. You spend 10 minutes on the challenge and 10 minutes on stretches and other movements to increase your flexibility and at the end of the challenge, you’re not only super fit but also super flexible.

Join the mailing list here for this challenge. You can unsubscribe at any time.

I committed to 100 a day no matter what. It took longer than 10 minutes, more like 20 at first then it kept getting faster, more efficient until I went to 100 unbroken. I did 5x a week because weekends, I work doubles far away from home and my job is physically taxing. My strength, conditioning and focus improved rapidly. My body is showing cuts I didn’t have before. Now that it’s over, I’ve bumped up my weight to 18kgs with progression into a hybrid pushup, burpee, soft best time was 15.40 at 100 unbroken. I’m in this I’m not going to stop. This is going to be the front of my programming for a little longer because I’ve grown to love it. Thank you for pushing me to my limits.

How to post your kettlebell challenge entry?

  1. Buy a token or obtain a free voucher
  2. Use one token to enter the online kettlebell challenge of choice
  3. Download the details for the challenge
  4. Submit your score/attempt details on our website
  5. Keep track of the online results

When you submit the details of your entry, you can accompany it with a video, some challenges might require a video and others might not. If a video is required, you will need to upload your entry as described here.

More Details

Starts is when the challenge is open:

  • Challenge starts every first day of the month; 1st of January, 1st of February, and so on
  • Challenge starts every first day of uneven months; every first of January, March, May, and so on
  • Challenge starts on the first day of every three months; every first of March, June, September, and December

Duration is how long the challenge lasts or is open:

  • The full month; submissions are accepted any day for the duration of the month
  • [number] consecutive days; the challenge is every day for the number of days indicated and from the day it started

Entries allowed is how many times you can submit your attempt at the challenge within the duration and other boundaries defined.

Certificate is whether a certificate is issued upon completion of the challenge, or winners, and Certificate of Participation when marked as YES will be issued to all participating.


The 4 categories are:

  • Pro
  • Athlete
  • Amateur
  • Beginner

The Pro category is for kettlebell sport athletes who compete professionally.
The Athlete category is for kettlebell athletes with extensive experience.
The Amateur category is for people that work with kettlebells but do not have extensive experience.
The Beginner category is for people that have less than one year of kettlebell experience.

For more details, check out our FAQ here.

Past Challenges

Back to all online kettlebell challenges.

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